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The builders should think of children`s facilities


The Interatletika company took part in the 15th international construction exhibition KyivBuild 2011, which was held on February 23-26 at the International Exhibition Center, Brovarsky Avenue. The Children's and Sports Equipment Center presented its products at the event, the company has experience in setting more than 2500 children's play and sports grounds in Ukraine and abroad.

The Children`s and Sports Equipment Center is a part of the Interatletika company. It is not the first time the company takes part in specialized exhibitions of the construction industry, successfully determining a new trend in the arrangement of residential complexes. Constructors are increasingly using the European experience, which, above all, encourages domestic developers to take into account the social needs of the consumer. The products of Interatletika evoked interest in exhibitions abroad, since Europeans always paid special attention to the creation of all the assets for a healthy lifestyle of residents. Therefore, the interest of domestic construction companies in our children's play equipment and gymnastic complexes is also accompanied with the interest to outdoor exercise machines, artificial flooring for playgrounds. Thus, it means that the construction industry is already emerging from the crisis and is guided by social world experience.

It should be noted that the exhibition was international. English, German, and Chinese stands were presented. They noted the quality of products produced in Ukraine. According to the organizers of KyivBuild 2011, the geography of participants numbered 26 countries, and 278 companies were represented at the stands. Despite the fact that our stand, which was one of the largest ones was standing out of the general theme of the event, the interest in our equipment was kept all four days. And in the process of communicating with representatives of our company, everyone agreed that modern construction projects should be planned with places of active recreation and the opportunity to play sports. Many visitors were surprised that the Interatletika company is not just a common manufacturer of modern children's play and sports equipment, but the only in Ukraine holder of the safety certificate according to the European norms TÜV EN1176.

If you ask yourself, what would you like to see in front of your building, most likely your answer would be “a modern and safe children's playground”. Because, first of all, we think about our children. And if the building surrounding grounds are equipped with street exercise machines, a playground for tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, we do not hesitate to choose this place to stay in. iAnd, if there is such genuine interest to our products, in the near future people will have the opportunity to choose for themselves a place where they can realize their desire, grow up healthy and active family.

We all want to change our lives for the better, not in the future, but now - that is why there is no need to wait for architects decide to plan the perfect playground for you. You can just contact our managers and make your dream come true.

There is no more valuable investment of money than investments in the health of the family!

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