Group of companies "Inter Atletika"
On December 5, 2008, under the patronage of the InterAtletika Concern, the Kyiv Special Boarding School No. 6 for deaf children celebrated the 108th anniversary as well as the opening of the children's playground, presented by InterAtletika. This playground was installed in the framework of the Sports Industry of Ukraine promotion - "Sports industry - for the vulnerable social groups”
Honorary guests of the holiday were: the Minister of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports Affairs Yuri Pavlenko; Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee of Ukraine, President of the Sports Industry of Ukraine Association Sushkevich; The founders of the InterAtletika Concern Elena Ivasik, Alexey Lebedko, the executive director of the Sport Industry of Ukraine Georgiy Kopylov and others.
The holiday was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, guests visited the museum of the school history, watched the concert of the Sunflower school hobby group.
Yuri Pavlenko made a welcoming speech, thanking the school's Directorate for the high-level organization of the educational process of deaf children because in recent years the school has been implementing an integrated learning program in which deaf children learn alongside the children with speech problems. "Our joint work, -the minister said, - is to control that every presidential and government decree comes into being so that every child had a chance for a happy life!". At the same time, all guests noted the importance of raising children in an integrated manner, as evidenced by the success of boarding school No. 6 for deaf children.
Yurii Pavlenko also focused on the importance of reviving the ancient traditions of patronage in the face of the InterAtletika Concern, which installed a children's playground for children.
Valery Sushkevich also made a speech, noting that visiting this school became a real tradition: "I am coming here and bringing good people with me. Today with me the Minister of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports Affairs, members of the Sports Industry of Ukraine Association, the InterAtletika Concern. And this is not the first time that the Sports Industry and the InterAtletika are doing everything to make physical culture and sports more accessible for our fellow countrymen, including small Ukrainians ".
During the holiday, the guests had an opportunity to see a wonderful concert performed by the pupils of the school. Visitors were pleased with the program of performances: songs and hymn of the school which is named House on the Hill, made in sign language, the dance of Macarena, hip-hop dance, songs and a dance composition with the name Our Ukraine.